The Advantages of Orthodontist-Administered Invisalign Therapy
Many people choose Invisalign over the more conventional metal braces for straightening teeth and jaws. It is a transparent aligner system that uses a set of individually made, transparent plastic aligners to shift tooth positioning progressively. Regardless of age, people of all ages may benefit from Invisalign's practical and flexible orthodontic treatment. The most significant outcomes from Invisalign in Santa Monica treatment are achieved when patients work with an orthodontist skilled in the technique. An alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign employs a set of removable, transparent plastic aligners to shift tooth position throughout therapy progressively. Individual dental requirements and desired outcomes inform the design of each pair of aligners. After roughly two weeks, patients go to the next set of aligners in the series. The teeth gradually shift into place, leading to an ideal bite and a more appealing grin. The Invisalign Orthodontist Selection Process...